There is no con you can pull on a politician, given that they invented them all.
Nic Fox and Kate O'Hare are once again teamed up as the will-they-won't-they odd couple. This time their mission is to recover a stolen artefact of national significance to the Chinese government. They have to steal it from the people who stole it before someone realises it was stol..... You get the idea.
I've read many Lee Goldberg and Janet Evanovich novels and have always found them humorous and entertaining. But The Chase felt like a by-the-numbers follow up to The Heist, a book that established a potentially good series. This was like an episode from a TV crime show like Castle, or Bones, or any of the dozens of those similarly constructed dramedies. And not an episode from the start of the series when it was good, but in those later episodes when they are lining up the ramp over the shark tank.
That isn't to say that The Chase fails to entertain, quite the contrary. This is a fun novel and series, but could feel a bit too formulaic.