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Tyson Adams Reviews

Book lover and science nerd. See more from me at http://tysonadams.com

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Abaddon's Gate

Abaddon's Gate  - Jefferson Mays, James S.A. Corey When most people die in space from sudden deceleration you'd think they'd install some airbags in spaceships. Safety first!

The third Expanse novel by James Corey sees Holden and his crew being manipulated into starting an interplanetary war. Since they now have a Stargate - I assume that name isn't trademarked, or at least the Goa'uld won't blast me for using it - the interplanetary war threatens to become an intergalactic war. Although war isn't the correct term for advanced intelligences fighting people, the correct term would be genocide. Let's see Holden talk his way out of this one.

Abaddon's Gate was another great instalment in the Expanse series. The core characters are back and continuing to be grown and layered. The new viewpoint characters are also interesting, although they aren't anywhere near as cool as Avasarala, a character that won't be topped any time soon. The story also went in directions I wasn't expecting, mainly due to the complex layering of plots. I'm tempted to call this the most ambitious of the Expanse novels so far, but my memory could just be on the fritz.

I've seen a few other reviews that suggested events and characters were a little too conveniently manoeuvred into place. I'd say the opposite is true and indicates that people will have to pay attention to the story and character developments. Some people clearly got a little lost.

Cibola Burn should be interesting now that they have the Stargate system to explore. I'm sure humans will try to make a mess of that somehow.