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Tyson Adams Reviews

Book lover and science nerd. See more from me at http://tysonadams.com

Currently reading

Kill or Be Killed, Vol. 3
Ed Brubaker
The Problems of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
Dead Ever After
Charlaine Harris
Babylon's Ashes
James S.A. Corey
The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work. Alain de Botton
Alain de Botton
Deadpool by Joe Kelly Omnibus
Shannon Denton, James Felder, Ed McGuinness, Joe Kelly, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang, Stan Lee, Pete Woods
Solomon Creed
Simon Toyne

The Heist

The Heist - Scott Brick, Janet Evanovich, Lee Goldberg I have to admit, I haven't read a Janet Evanovich book in years, possibly close to a decade. I haven't read a Lee Goldberg book in a least a couple of months. So when I picked up this collaboration between two witty and highly entertaining authors I was playing "try to figure out who wrote which bits" without any success. Unlike some author collaborations, this was an actual collaboration.

I will now try to write a paragraph without using the word 'collaboration'...... Dammit!

Lee and Janet have written a very entertaining novel and I think this will make for a cool series of adventures. The setup is the standard odd couple device we've seen done to death. Fortunately Lee and Janet have the charged paddles of 'interesting take' on the odd couple romp. I think it was the stock moments that kept this good novel from being great. Then again, they did manage to include a conman, FBI agent, thief, corrupt lawyer, embezzler, fake drug lord, and real pirates in the same heist novel. Add in ninjas for the next one and it could be perfect.