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Tyson Adams Reviews

Book lover and science nerd. See more from me at http://tysonadams.com

Currently reading

Kill or Be Killed, Vol. 3
Ed Brubaker
The Problems of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
Dead Ever After
Charlaine Harris
Babylon's Ashes
James S.A. Corey
The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work. Alain de Botton
Alain de Botton
Deadpool by Joe Kelly Omnibus
Shannon Denton, James Felder, Ed McGuinness, Joe Kelly, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang, Stan Lee, Pete Woods
Solomon Creed
Simon Toyne

Brave New World

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley Giving up on this classic. Several chapters in and no main characters, no real plot, just a heap of exposition. At least 1984 had a clear protagonist and plot to follow. If I'm going to be bashed over the head with world building and social criticism I want it to be engaging.